Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bleached Blossoms!

Stampin' Success featured an article on using bleach with your stamps. I stamped the Upsy Daisy with bleach on both cards and then stamped over them with the same color ink as the paper. Funny thing, on the Pacific Point paper, the bleached flowers had a green tint to them so I used Kiwi Kiss ribbon and paper for accents. It does make a pretty effect and quick and easy. I folded one paper towel in a paper plate and put about 1 capful of bleach on it and used it as a stamp pad. Of course wash your stamp right away to get the bleach off. It is a technique worth a try! Until my next post, Happy Stampin' & Scrappin' Nancy

1 comment:

  1. I simply loved this card. Need to give it a try. Thanks for the idea with the bleach.
    June Ikeda


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